Yahidne, Chernihiv region
In the Yahidne of the Chernihiv region, the russian military gathered up all the residents in the basement of the local school and kept them there for almost a month. Among the 350 hostages, there were up to 80 children, the youngest at that moment was 21 days old. Later, residents calculated that for each person, there were 60 square centimetres of territory.
There were times when the russians did not open the basement for several days. There were no extraction hoods in the basement, there was a terrible stench, and people were dying from lack of oxygen. It was forbidden to knock on the door, and if death occurred at night, then the deceased lay next to women and children until morning.
The names of the dead were written on the basement wall, and next to it was the day of death.
Victims: 10 dead persons.
Source: Ukrayinska Pravda, Telegram channels, photos by Yevhenii Maloletka, Olha Miniailo.