Borodianka, Kyiv region
On February 26, Ivan Simoroz, a policeman from Borodyanka, lost his entire family: his wife, one-year-old daughter, mother, father, younger brother and grandmother.
On the second day of the russian invasion, cities in the Kyiv region were subjected to merciless shelling, the russians tried to get closer to the capital. Ivan heard the explosion very close to the department where he worked.
"The earth shook. I started dialing all my relatives on the phone: my wife, my brother, my mother, father, grandmother - and everyone was "out of the zone. I realized that something bad had happened."
When he arrived home, he saw the destroyed building. Relatives and friends helped to find the bodies of his relatives among the ruins. Little daughter Polina was still alive, but she soon died in the hospital.

Victims: 6 people dead
Source: BBC News